All NIKKIEPNG models require a PC or laptop in order to upload models. Upload services are not offered.
Click here to see her in-game statistics!
Click here to see his in game statistics!
LAST UPDATED: 11/15/2024 (mm/dd/yyyy)
11/15/2024 - v2.3 | Additions and bug fixes
- Added body shrinking shapekeys to the For Edit variants, in order to improve the editing process!
- These shapekeys can be manually adjusted by the user in order to hide body parts when adding custom clothing.
- Fixed a split hole appearing on Akalii's right sleeve.
- Fixed the dress disappearing in different environments and scenarios due to incorrect render queues.
- Fixed some incorrect face tracking shapekeys.
- Fixed arm morphs not working correctly on for edit and good variants.
09/28/2024 - v2.2 | Bug fixes
- Upgraded to Poiyomi 9.0.61
- Adjusted hand unity muscle settings for better finger deformations when using finger tracked.
- Fixed broken AudioLink settings on hair.
- Fixed an issue where the VRCFT components would not work correctly.
- Fixed an issue where physbones were missing from certain variants.
- Removed incorrect opaque dress toggle from good variants menu.
- Upgraded default unity rotation constraints to VRC rotation constraints.
- Fixed facial expression animations clipping into the skin.
- Fixed incorrect Good FT and Good default variant FX layer mismatching.
- Fixed toggles not working for opaque dress.
08/12/2024 - v2.1 | Bug fixes for previous update
- Fixed anthro leg clipping
- Fixed an issue where the anthro legs would not shift when changing skintones
- Removed the dress transparency toggle from the good variants
- Fixed an issue where the Face Tracking would not load the correct parameters list on model import
- Fixed broken Face Tracking blendshapes
- Fixed missing SPS blendshapes and PP
- Fixed an issue where some expressions allowed blinking
08/11/2024 - Unity 2022.3.22f1 Upgrade + Final Large Update
AKALII has now received a much needed quality of life upgrade. This update should place her setup and functionality
up to NIKKIEPNG's current model standards and the (as of July 2024) current norm for specific gimmicks and features.
Much was altered to this version, but the overall aesthetic and functionality remains as her previous versions. This is
the final large update she will receive, however, she will continue to receive bug fixes and up-keep updates as VRChat
standards update and improve.
The following update log is a general summary of the large fixes and changes she has received:
- Added SPS and Face tracking support for the Quest Pro using UE Blendshapes!
- Updated the body and face meshes for better UVs, textures, physics and shapekeys.
- Upgraded the Poiyomi 8.1 materials to Poiyomi 9.0.57.
- Altered some physbones to v1.1 as well as alterations to some settings.
- Converted her functionality to WD ON
- Lowered Akalii's parameters list, she should now be ready for FX edits without a need to remove features.
- Remove DPS and TPS variants. Akalii now uses SPS (Super Plug Shader) through VRCFury!
- Optimized non-SPS variants to be poor or better by default.
- Upgraded the GoGo Loco version to v1.8.3.
- Optimized textures for better image quality and VRAM usage.
- Reworked the facial expression system to be more memory efficient.
- Altered default textures and material settings.
- Removed the springjoint as a default feature. The springjoint is now an optional addon included in the model project.
- Improved the blendfiles and documentation provided alongside the model.
9/20/2023 - 1.5 - Maintenance Update, Added content and Updated documents
- Updated to Poiyomi 8.1.166 and Pro 8.2.030
- Updated to SDK 3.3+
- Added **BLEND files!** a large blendfile is included for all variants, and a **For edit**
blendfile is included for experienced users who wish to add their own clothing to her.
- Adjusted FX layer logic for all contacts
- Fixed cheek pull toggle missing from the model
- Fixed DPS Pro variants metal hues not adjusting when using A or P materials, also adjusted
all anims for DPS
- NIKKIE interaction now works seamlessly with both hands
- Updated the upload guide to reflect new SDK changes and up-to-date information
- Created a 'Thank you" guide card
- Created an up-to-date Performance Breakdown card
4/26/2023 - 1.43 - Small bug fixes
- Fixed hair emissions bugging out when using nuzzle interactions
- Fixed white hair tips preset on Good variant
- Fixed minor clipping and adjusted physbone settings
4/21/2023 - 1.41/142 - KAIMERA release and bug fixes
- Added compatibility for Akalii x Akalii nuzzle to work with Kaimera
- General lighting and material settings adjustments
- Fixed NSFW orifice menu missing parameters
- Fixed nuzzle lighting for Akalii x Akalii interaction on Good version
- Added missing shimmer options for clothing on Good version
- Added missing icons for shimmer options for clothing
- Fixed Audiolink not changing with hue shift on opaque dress option
- Fixed missing customization menu for the TPS version
3/19/2023 - 1.311 - Bug fixes
- Fixed Medium variant being marked as poor
- Fixed bra and panties toggles being inverted on the Good variant's menu
- Fixed opaque clothing not shifting metall hues on Good variant
- Fixed right hand facial expressions not working correctly
- Fixed Face packs 1 an 2 inverting for each hand
- Fixed hair preset menu options not saving between world and avatar changes
- Small irrelevant bug fixes and adjustments
- 1.4 - Small fix for Good variant
- Fixed Good variants knee rotations being broken due to incorrect twist bone constraint settings
3/17/2023 - 1.3 - More features, better optimization, better customization and bug fixes
- Updated to Poiyomi Toon 8.1.161 and Pro 8.2.006
- Added Raliv's Dynamic Penetration System Compatibility
- Removed materials causing Poiyomi 64 texture slot crash
- Switched from using shapekeys for toggles to Poiyomi UV discards
- Shapekeys removed from meshes, physbone count lowered and VRAM lowered for textures for better
overall performance
- Added new variants: Very Poor (DPS Poiyomi Pro 8.2) and Very Poor (DPS Poiyomi Toon)
- Removed skin tone slider from Quest variants
- Removed Poiyomi Pro reliant features from Poiyomi Toon variants
- Added brightness slider, avatar colour grading toggle
- Added opaque dress customization brightness toggles
- Enhanced saturation and brightness for hair
- Added hair preset 'Pastel'
- Changed desktop standing animation
- Added custom menu preview animation
- Enhanced heels VRMode to be compatible with 4 and 5-point tracking
- removed ThatFatKidsMom spring joint system as it was finicky, replaced it with a regular springjoint
- Added Raliv DPS shapekeys and compatibility
- Added TPS shapekeys
- Added bra and panties slider
- Added PP toggle between NIKKIE's TPS mesh and Raliv's (Poiyomi Pro reliant)
- 1.31 - NSFW fixes
- Fixed an issue where the right hand orifice would change the material of the bangs
- Fixed an issue where the TPS and DPS versions were spawning in at the root of the avatar
rather than the specific orifice area
1/10/2023 - 1.24 - Minor bug fixes
- Added missing mask on TPS orifice layer, which prevented tail movement on the Very Poor variants
1/08/2023 - 1.22 - TPS fixed and Poiyomi Crashes
- Fixed an issue wehre some users experienced crashing due to Poiyomi shader's 64 texture slot bug
- Fixed an issue where quest users see PC users legs turn to sticks when wearing anthro legs
- Fixed TPS orifices
- 1.23 - Quest Visemes
- Fixed missing visemes for Quest variants
1/05/2023 - v1.2 - Quest Compatibility, Audiolink, NIKKIE interactions, Initial Release bug fixes
- The special interaction will occur when you touch your left or right hand to another Akalii's hands!
This feature is toggleable in your gimmicks tab, and will be available for all my future models to
interact with each other in different ways.
- Quest Compatable variants have been added to her prefabs folder and scene
- Audiolink is a toggle in the customization tab!
- 1.21 - Tail movement and clipping
- Fixed an issue where the tail puppet would not move the tail
- Fixed minor clipping on the upper shirt when the bresst morph setting was set to the smallest size
12/30/2022 - Release
LAST UPDATED: 11/15/2024
11/15/2024 - v2.3 | Additions and bug fixes
- Added body shrinking shapekeys to the For Edit variants, in order to improve the editing process!
- These shapekeys can be manually adjusted by the user in order to hide body parts when adding custom clothing.
- Fixed an issue where the SPS would not toggle on correctly when anthro legs were active
09/28/2024 - v2.2 | Bug fixes
- Upgraded to Poiyomi 9.0.61
- Adjusted hand unity muscle settings for better finger deformations when using finger tracked.
- Fixed broken AudioLink settings on hair.
- Fixed an issue where the VRCFT components would not work correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the SPS PP was not skintone shifting with the rest of the body.
- Fixed an issue where the body's skintone shift was not matching the rest of the avatar accurately.
- Upgraded default unity rotation constraints to VRC rotation constraints.
08/11/2024 - v2.1 | Bug fixes for previous update
- Fixed an issue where the Face Tracking would not load the correct parameters list on model import
- Fixed incorrect rig configuration for the Regular FT FBX which prevented eye movement
- Fixed broken Face Tracking blendshapes
- Fixed an issue where the anthro legs would clip with through the pants
- Fixed an issue where the anthro legs would not shift when changing skintones
- Fixed an issue where the short hair was missing on certain variants
- Adjusted the position of the left and right hand orifices
- Fixed an issue where the default PP had strange deformations due to an incorrect mask
- Fixed an issue where most gogo loco animations were broken
- Removed the quest variant for the FT variant as it was breaking
08/11/2024 - v2.0 | Unity 2022.3.22f1 Upgrade + Final Large Update
KAIMERA has now received a much needed quality of life upgrade. This update should place his setup and functionality
up to NIKKIEPNG's current model standards and the (as of July 2024) current norm for specific gimmicks and features.
Much was altered to this version, but the overall aesthetic and functionality remains as his previous versions. This is
the final large update he will receive, however, he will continue to receive bug fixes and up-keep updates as VRChat
standards update and improve.
The following update log is a general summary of the large fixes and changes she has received:
- Added SPS and Face tracking support for the Quest Pro using UE Blendshapes!
- Updated the body and face meshes for better UVs, textures, physics and shapekeys.
- Upgraded the Poiyomi 8.1 materials to Poiyomi 9.0.57.
- Altered some physbones to v1.1 as well as alterations to some settings.
- Converted his functionality to WD ON
- Lowered Kaimera's parameters list, he should now be ready for FX edits without a need to remove features.
- Remove DPS and TPS variants. Kaimera now uses SPS (Super Plug Shader) through VRCFury!
- Optimized non-SPS variants to be poor or better by default.
- Upgraded the GoGo Loco version to v1.8.3.
- Optimized textures for better image quality and VRAM usage.
- Reworked the facial expression system to be more memory efficient.
- Altered default textures and material settings.
- Removed the springjoint as a default feature. The springjoint is now an optional addon included in the model project.
- Improved the blendfiles and documentation provided alongside the model.
9/20/2023 - 1.41 - Bug fixes from previous update
- Fixed Quest breaking due to incorrect FBX updates
- Updated All files blend file with correct Quest FBX
9/20/2023 - 1.4 - Maintenance Update, Added content and Updated documents
- Updated to Poiyomi 8.1.166 and Pro 8.2.030
- Updated to SDK 3.3+
- Added **BLEND files!** a large blendfile is included for all variants, and a **For edit** blendfile
is included for experienced users who wish to add their own clothing to him.
- Adjusted FX layer logic for all contacts
- Fixed cheek pull toggle missing from the model
- Fixed pants clipping with the boots
- Fixed upload photos: COPY TRANSFORMS objects now present
- Adjusted the PP material for the DPS and Toon variants.
- NIKKIE interaction now works seamlessly with both hands
- Updated the upload guide to reflect new SDK changes and up-to-date information
- Created a 'Thank you" guide card
- Created an up-to-date Performance Breakdown card
4/28/2023 - 1.3 - Urgent update for Mediium and Good variants
- Fixed the prefabs and scene prefab's meshes exploding physically, variants now work
4/26/2023 - 1.2 - More bug fixes
- Fixed mismatched settings for 3 pt an 6 pt tracking
- Removed TPS variant as it was unstable
- Adjustments to the FX layer logic
- Minor adjustments to the materials
- Minor clipping fixes
4/21/2023 - 1.1/1.12 - Release bug fixes
- Fixed nuzzle interaction interaction offset on Very Poor Poiyomi Toon variant
- Fixed issues with NSFW orifices, menus and orientations on DPS/TPS variant
- Fixed clipping with anthro legs when using the thigh slider
- Fixed overall clipping and incorrect mesh UV discard on Good variant
- Fixed missing mesh on turtleneck on Good variant
- Fixed locked feralarms on Quest variants
4/19/2022 - Release
Please read through the product details before purchasing.
- Disable your facial expressions without the need to turn off your gestures!
T O G G L E S:
HAIR: Long & Short
AKALII CLOTHES: Dress, Cropped turtleneck, Sleeves, Heels, Necklace, Mouth jewelry, Body straps, and more
KAIMERA CLOTHES: Turtleneck, Jacket, Pants, Boots, Necklace, Mouth jewelry, Body straps, and more
KEMONOMIMI: Anthro legs, Upper ears, Lower ears, and Tails
G I M M I C K S:
CONTACTS: Kiss, Headpat,
OTHER: Idle breathing animation & speed-up, Simple springjoint, Tail movement control
NIKKIE MODEL RECOGNITION! Hold hands with another Akalii to see a unique animation!
AKALII x KAIMERA INTERACTION! Nuzzle your heads together sweetly (Also works on AxA and KxK)
A U D I O L I N K:
Affects tattoos, hair, ears, tails, and clothing!
Changeable colors with Hair emission slider, clothing slider, and metal color slider.
Q O L:
Avatar brightness slider
Avatar world lighting toggle
S K I N:
Skintone, Eye color, Tattoo Colour, Tattoo metallic swap, and White eyelash toggle
B O D Y M O R P H S:
Sliders for body shape and features
Feral hands and arms toggles
Nail shape and size toggles
Hair shape toggles
Horn shape and size toggles
H A I R:
Hue shift, saturation, and brightness shifts
Glitter toggle
PRESETS: Black & White, pastel (hue shiftable), white tips, black tips|
STRANDS: Black, White, Colour, Shimmer, Iridescent
EMISSIONS: White and color, hue shift
C L O T H E S:
AKALII: Alt Dress design (More SFW)
KAIMERA: Jacket Presets, Alt Turtleneck
White and Colour Toggles with hue shifts
O T H E R:
Face Tracking for Quest pro users!
For Edit variants for advanced editing needs!
Gogo Loco By Franada
Please see included PDFS for the upload guide
All parts of this model are made by NIKKIEPNG except for the following below.
Thank you to the following for their beautiful work included in this model:
Poiyomi - Poiyomi Toon Shader
Franada - Locomotion
Adjerry91 - Face tracking templates
Compatible with Super Plug Shader
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Join the community: discord.gg/nikkie
Product release date: 12/30/2022
Last updated: 9/28/2024
© Copyright NIKKIE. All Rights Reserved.
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