Please read through the product details before purchasing.
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⌦ ┋ D E T A I L S
C O M M E R C I A L & P E R S O N A L U S E
- Made in Blender, textured in Substance Painter and Clip Studio Pant
- 14.8k Tris | 1 Material Slot | ~34 Bones
Comes with unity-ready prefabs and materials!
- Jacket moves accurately with arm positions!
Rigged to the following:
- UTA Base
- NIKKIEPNG Models (Kaimera included!)
Zinpia bases:
- VRBASE Egirl
- VRBASE Fantasy
- VRBASE Anime
- ZinFit Base
- RP Base
- FBXs and PBR textures provided for all bases
- Unitypackages provided for VRCFury drag-and-drop use on NIKKIEPNG models and an example prefab for Zinpia bases!
NIKKIEPNG Model requires the following imported into your project in order to use:
- Latest version of VRCFury
- Poiyomi 9.1.23+
- Please ensure that you follow install instructions to avoid issues!
*All previews have been taken in Unity
*Does not come with Poiyomi, uses Poiyomi v9.1.23+
*All future updates to this product will be free of charge.
Join the community: discord.gg/nikkie
Product release date: — 03/02/2024 (mm/dd/yyyy)
© Copyright NIKKIEPNG. All Rights Reserved.
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Sale price$25.00